Thank you for visiting our website!
We would be greatly honored by your presence and see to serve you and your family in any way that will spiritually enrich your life.
We worship and exalt our Saviour, Jesus Christ. We proclaim one message, His Gospel. We seek to demonstrate His love to you, your family, and the body of Christ.
This is the church you have been looking for and we invite you to... "Experience the difference!"
Regular Schedule
- Sunday Morning - Sunday School– 10:00 AM
- Sunday Evening Service– 6:00 PM
- Thursday Evening Service - Bible Study– 7:30 PM
March 30th, 2205 Service Schedule
On March 30th, 2025. We will only have Morning Service and no Evening Service.
Theme 2025
When I cannot see Him, I will trust Him
Psalm 37:23: The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way.
Easter Sunday
Easter Sunday is April 20th, Please join us as we celebrate our risen Savior!
Message from Brother and Sis Mosier
May God bless you with His presence all the days of your life, our desire for you and your families is to grow in Christ and all of His wonderful blessings at this time of the year and for the the new year and the rest of your life.
Give your life to Him and He'll give you so much back and so many blessings that you will not be able to count them.
May God bless and keep you.
Brother and Sister Mosier